Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fall Carrot Cake

This is a cake I created in the fall, and decorated with a friend to celebrate an occasion with some members of the FSSP and their supporters. It was a carrot cake made from scratch, covered with cream cheese frosting, and turned out to be the perfect taste for autumn. I had never made carrot cake before, so I turned to my go-to website for new recipes,! The recipe I found was right up my alley, requiring the baker to toast her own pecans and grate fresh ginger to add to the cake batter. Speaking of grating, the most time-(and bicep-)consuming step in this recipe was the peeling and grating of all those fresh carrots.

The frosting on this cake is the delicious cream cheese recipe that accompanies the recipe linked above. The secret ingredient in this frosting is freshly grated orange zest! It also contains freshly grated ginger. The combination of those two flavors creates a frosting unlike any other used to top a carrot cake. Though the recipe only calls for a small amount of each of these flavorful ingredients, the recipients of my cake noticed and commented on the unusual and delicious taste!

The decorations were added months before my cake-decorating friends and I took our first Wilton class. I have since learned the proper way to make leaves and other patterns, but I think the FSSP symbol at least is already quite recognizable in the center of the cake.